It’s THAT time of the year again: year end freezing temperatures, lots of snow and the shortest days (longest nights!) in Saratoga County, New York and around the Capital Region. Brrr…
WRAPPED in Reflections: Financial Wellness
It’s THAT time of the year again: year end freezing temperatures, lots of snow and the shortest days (longest nights!) in Saratoga County, New York and around the Capital Region. Brrr…
Holiday Travel Planning and Wellness
A Children and Special Needs Friendly Parenting Tool Kit
The upcoming public holiday in the U.S. this year is Memorial Day which falls on Monday, May 27th. In about a month’s time, many public schools will be closing after the final exams and the summer holidays will be here again. Yeayyy!
If you’re a parent blessed with kids especially those with special needs, you’ll probably be questioning: how can I travel with my special needs kid(s) and still enjoy peace of mind?
Give It A Second Chance and Beyond
Perhaps you might dread the idea of traveling with your kid(s) with special needs after several not-so-pleasant experiences in the past?
As much as you might want to lament those bad travel memories, you cannot undo the past. Don’t beat yourself up! As parents, you are also human and certainly NOT perfect and we all know that all good-hearted parents like you want the best for your kids, right? Remember that we can plan as much as we want but Almighty God is the master planner and the outcome of our planning and parenting is not up to us. So don’t give up!
Personally, one of the best ways for Muslim parents like me to strive to stay calm and be more patient when encountering difficulties or hardship is to remember Allah’s countless blessings and to read the Holy Quran. After all, the Quran will be our faithful companion who will intercede for us on Judgement Day, inshaa Allah.
“Indeed with every hardship comes ease”
[The Holy Quran, As-Sharh 94:6]
Quranic tafsir quote spotted on a wall display at Darul Tafsir AlKhair Mosque, Singapore (2023)
Look for new travel opportunities. Give it a second chance and beyond. Why? Because it’s going to be worth it, inshaa Allah (God willing). Take it from someone with over 18 years of parenting experience in raising a special needs daughter who was first diagnosed with Global Developmental Delay (GDD) in Singapore and later Mild Intellectual Disability (MID) in New York. She now has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and takes the New York State Alternate Assessment instead of the mainstream Regents Examination.
Here are practical tips that you can add to your special parenting tool kit!
Prepare by Doing Your Homework
Travel by Land
Check List
Travel by Air
Letter from the special education teacher
Some things that require advance preparation include having the right documentation at hand for fast and smooth immigration clearance at the various airport checkpoints.
✅ Prepare a written letter signed by your kid’s special education teacher stating your child’s disability or special needs condition.
✅ When you’re at the airport security check and clearance, show it to the airport staff and mention your child’s condition to him/her.
✅ Make a special request that you do not wish to be separated from your kid and that the staff exercise speak slowly when giving instructions or asking your child any questions.
✅ If your child has an ID indicating that your kid is a special needs kid with developmental disability, bring a copy to show it to him/her.
During one of my return home trips from Singapore to New York, I was unfortunately separated from my daughter because I was “chosen” for the random thorough check on passengers at the security check and clearance. I was held back for at least 20-30 minutes and my anxiety level went up the roof because it took longer than others to be cleared before I could proceed to the boarding area to be with my daughter. Oh no!
Extra food for long plane rides
Use restrooms before entering boarding area
Request for early/priority boarding
Secrets Behind The Scene: World Hijab Day 2024
February News
DO you know why many Muslim women wear the hijab or head scarf also known as poncho? Do you need some inspiration to wear the hijab full time? Or do you need ideas to motivate someone to wear the hijab?
World Hijab Day 2024
Fun facts
Podcast Guests
Hidayah Amin
Nadia Rose Noordin
Hello 2024!
‘Tis Good It's 2024!
Welcoming a brand, new year is often exciting!
What's new with Team ASKtrioWello? First and foremost, our gratitude goes to Almighty Allah S.W.T. not just because He granted us this life and blessed us to meet 2024 but also He granted us the golden opportunity to welcome the blessed months of Rejab, Syaaban and Ramadan. These are all sacred months in the Hijri or Islamic calendar and are significant to Muslims around the world including us here.
New Blog |
Our second attempt to embark on a new experience in e-commerce is finally seeing some light at the end of the tunnel. We are planning to launch Boutique-a-Wello in end January 2024, God willing!
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New Pod site for ASK Trio About Wellness Podcast |
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WRAPPED in Reflections: Financial Wellness
It’s THAT time of the year again: year end freezing temperatures, lots of snow and the shortest days (longest nights!) in Saratoga County, N...

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