Showing posts with label amusing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label amusing. Show all posts

WRAPPED in Reflections: Financial Wellness

It’s THAT time of the year again: year end freezing temperatures, lots of snow and the shortest days (longest nights!) in Saratoga County, New York and around the Capital Region. Brrr…

If I were to select which dimension of wellness to reflect and write first in a blog, it would be financial wellness. Why? Because a healthy budget and strategic financial planning makes an economically stable and happy family. Yes, money is not everything. And statistics don’t usually lie; yet sometimes they are engineered to generate certain results by the publisher. So it’s good to take it with a pinch of salt just like you would with news reports. According to Statistica, a global data and business intelligence platform based in Germany:

“As of 2021, there were about 690,000 divorces registered in the United States and the divorce rate stood at 2.5 per 1,000 of the population. Data on family income levels show that, in aboslute values, there are more divorces among the lowest and the very high-income groups of the population.” 

Whether your family is in the lowest or the very high income groups, your marriage will be at higher risk of conflicts relating to financial challenges if you do not know how to manage your finances well.

Based tried-and-tested methods used in managing my own family’s financial wellness, here are three (3) simple short-term hacks that you can apply to promote your family’s financial wellness: track expenses, buy in bulk, and sufficient storage space.

One of the pertinent things to do in the hope of striving to achieve financial wellness for your family is that you MUST first track your family expenses and review it regularly. Don’t throw those physical receipts until you’ve recorded what you have purchased. And don’t forget those e-receipts too especially if you love to do online shopping like me. Tracking your expenses regularly will show you exactly where you had overspent so that you can create a more appropriate budget for the brand new year. There are literally tons of budgeting tools or apps out there to help you: you can pick one that suits your preferences from Goodbudget to good ‘ol budgeting templates in Google Sheet (I know so because I use it till today and it works for me). No excuses! Budget like a champion! 

To buy (in bulk) or NOT to buy (in bulk)? That is the question. What works for me and my family might also work for you if…

(a) There’s a REAL NEED (NOT want!) for the item on a monthly basis. For instance, if you use kitchen paper towels a lot, buy a pack of six (6) rolls or twelve (12) rolls to last for two or three months instead of just a few rolls to last for a  month. It translates to cheaper price of each kitchen paper towel per roll. Strive to aim for zero wastage too. Remember our fellow brothers and sisters in war torn countries around the world. They are deprived of many things in life that we often take for granted: basic necessities such as food, clothings to housing and beyond. May Almighty God (Allah SWT) grant them His Guidance, Protection, and Sustenance for success in this world and the hereafter, ameen!

(b) There are REAL SAVINGS (not pure gimmicks!) from buying in bulk. Take advantage of discounts and promotions that are really worth buying in bulk in terms of dollars and cents. BEWARE OF SCAMMERS! Scammers are generally getting more sophisticated in their strategies and tactics to deceive you, often misrepresentating their products or services. Unfortunately, scammers are everywhere and disguised in many forms! You’ve probably heard the horror stories in the news over and over again from the seller/merchant scammers to employment scammers and even love scammers. What’s the common thread amongst these scammers? They are often intelligent, charming, and persuasive at the beginning of your interactions with them. Specific to sellers, they are cunning merchants who might be hiding behind the glitters or glamor, deceiving potential buyers whom they know have the purchasing power but have a weakness, a soft spot, an obsession or in desperate need or want for the specific product or service. Do your homework and safeguard yourself and family by staying on top of things through on-going scam education. Smart and kind people do get scammed too. If it can happen to others, it can happen to you too so don’t ever be complacent or overconfident. If you’ve been scammed before, don’t despair or beat yourself up! The most important thing to do next is to process your emotions first and then forgive yourself. Learn from your mistakes, be more conscious of your desires, and promise yourself that you’ll do better next time. Always raise your hand in humility and seek guidance and wisdom from Almighty God (Allah SWT) to guide and protect you from the evil of His creations.

Ensure there’s enough STORAGE SPACE in your house to keep the extras BEFORE you any bulk purchase. Avoid buying in bulk if you really don’t have the extra storage space because you might end up in a power struggle with your spouse who doesn’t like clutter. Whether you keep the items in your pantry, kitchen cabinet or utility shelves in the basement does not matter much. The main idea to keep it out of sight but still within reasonable access. For me, I would buy non toxic laundry detergent or clean skincare products online and in bulk such as castille soap. Why? Because it saves time, effort and is convenient.

For long-term success in promoting your financial wellness, you might consider educating yourself on asset/wealth management products/services including various investment opportunities available in the global market. This is imperative if you do not have an educational background in business and management studies. You need to be fully aware that the risks associated with investment-related asset/wealth management products/services are often at a medium or high level. Moreover, products require long-term planning and a good understanding of your financial goals, your desired quality of life, your desired retirement age and beyond. 
For instance, if you want to accelerate your wealth so that your children have the funds to pursue college/university education in the future, you have to “begin with the end in mind” and start researching for a suitable investment policy at least ten (10) years BEFORE they turn 18 years old. This famous phrase was coined by Stephen R. Covey as one of the seven effective “habits” of highly successful people as mentioned in his best-selling business book which was published in 1989 but is still relevant today, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.”

For my fellow Muslim families who are looking for halal (permissable in Islam) investing options which adhere to the Islamic guidelines or are Shariah compliant, there are now more options available in the global market relative to decades ago, Alhamdulillah (praise and thanks to Almighty Allah SWT. As it is not intended for this blog post to make any recommendations of specific products/services in asset/wealth management, I would suggest that you to do your own research and seek help from those who are knowledgeable and have real experience in this area.

Wishing you success in your journey to achieve financial wellness!

Syazana B. M. Sani
for Team ASKtrioWello


Statistica (Germany)

Secrets Behind The Scene: World Hijab Day 2024

February News

DO you know why many Muslim women wear the hijab or head scarf also known as poncho? Do you need some inspiration to wear the hijab full time? Or do you need ideas to motivate someone to wear the hijab? 

World Hijab Day 2024 

To commemorate World Hijab Day 2024 on February 1st, we released a new episode on the ASK Trio About Wellness podcast entitled, World Hijab Day 2024. The topic on the significance of hijab for Muslim women was discussed effectively with a book discussion on Hijab: Everyday Stories of Muslim Women from Singapore and Beyond” edited and published by Hidayah Amin of Helang Books, Singapore. 

ASK Trio About Wellness Cover Art with Hijab: Everyday Stories of Muslim Women from Singapore and Beyond and by Hidayah Amin of Helang Books, Singapore and Malaysian Nadia Rose Noordin
   World Hijab Day 2024 (Ep. 54)

Fun facts

The world of podcasting is often fun and exciting! Any secrets behind the scenes? Of course! Here are some fun facts we discovered about our special guests, Hidayah Amin, editor/publisher of Helang Books (Singapore) and Malaysian university lecturer, Nadia Rose Noordin:

Hidayah Amin can be truly amusing and hilarious! As she was sharing some fun facts about herself, we found her somewhat different from her “serious and no nonsense” public persona. From her previous appearance on the show to her most recent appearance, what we love most is her laughter! Absolutely genuine and contagious!

For one of the 23 writers of the book,Hijab: Everyday Stories of Muslim Women from Singapore and Beyond”, Nadia Rose Noordin, this episode was her first special guest appearance on the show. She exudes a friendly, relaxed and composed demeanor. What do we love most about Nadia? Her passion and crazy obsession for traditional Malay batik dress! She has more than a month’s supply to wear a different batik outfit each day of the month. She doesn’t need to repeat any outfit every month. Wow!

While Team ASKtrioWello was recording and later editing this episode, our celebrity kitty, ParkerDin, did a spot check on us at our mini studio. Suddenly….kaboom! Hey, any guesses as to what did you think happen? The loud noise that ensued was because ParkerDin had knocked down our soundproofing board! Oh Kitty! Luckily, it wasn’t damaged and most importantly, ParkerDin did not knock down the microphones or else…. Phew! What a relief!

Who knocked down the soundproofing board? Hint: Meow!

These behind the scene happenings are the real secret sauce that keeps us going in our podcasting journey! 

To listen to this episode, click on the link below:

Happy listening!

Syazana B. M. Sani (M.S.)
for Team ASKtrioWello

ASK Trio About Wellness podcast by ASKtrioWello LLC is available on our podcast website and preferred podcast platforms.

Podcast Website

Apple Podcasts


Podcast Guests

Hidayah Amin

Editor-Publisher, Helang Books, Singapore
Instagram @HidayahAmin | @HelangBooks
Facebook @HidayahAmin | @HelangBooks

Nadia Rose Noordin

Writer, Hijab: Everyday Stories of Muslim Women in Singapore and Beyond and
University Lecturer, Malaysia
Instagram @nroselilyana

#worldhijabday #world #hijab #women #wellness #muslims #muslims #inspiration #ideas #motivation #singapore #malaysia #beyond

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WRAPPED in Reflections: Financial Wellness

It’s THAT time of the year again: year end freezing temperatures, lots of snow and the shortest days (longest nights!) in Saratoga County, N...

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